Heey Guys,
Last Sunday we had a great St.Patricks Day Party.Did you missed the party ?
Never mind Blik posted some cool Party pictures on the blog.I would post my pictures but i wasn't online because i had many homework i'm sorry! Okay here are the Party pictures :
Yaniv,Koiz and Blik :)!
Rainbow over the Cafestreet
Flying smileys
Happy St.Patricks Day
Thanks Blik for those awesome Pictures,they are pretty cool.
Last saturday the St.Patricks Day came to an end,the Tv contest too.
Yaniv took 3 winners.The winners did all a great job,its very creative as well.
The winners are:
Congrats guys, everyone of you got a Tv remote controller,7000 Bugs and Citizenship.
Everyone of you did a great job.for those who didn't made it this time never give up we will have more contest like this :)!
We also have a new Moderator her name is:
Congratulation,she said:Im not new guys i know chobots really good,i played chobots.net on a other account.But i don't know who she is....
Never mind Congratulation and im sure she deserves it because she is helpful and friendly.
Thanks for reading,Our Journalist !