Friday, August 22, 2014

Farming Contest!

Hey there lovely Cho's!
Today I'm here to tell you about the epic contest going on right now! Go visit Daisy at the Farm Mission - she's going to need some help! The Farming Contest will end August 27th, and the top three winners will recieve epic prizes! :D If you see anybody cheating, send in your proof to Play safe everyone, and good luck! :D

Until next time,

Animal Party!

Hey lovely cho's!
Guess what? Tomorrow the Chobots Universe staff is hosting it's first ever ANIMAL PARTY! The Party will be hosted tomorrow at the Eco Shop at 4:00 p.m. Chobots Time. The Afterparty will be hosted at the Park. There will be lots of minigames, and epic prizes will go out to the best dressed Chobots in an Animal themed style! There will be lots of fun, so I hope to see all you guys there! Remember to dress up in your best animal look!

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Summer Catalog !

Heey Chobots,
Today Kai posted an interesting pictures on facebook and on twitter aswell,on the picture there was a summer catalog and he wrote that the catalog is coming soon and yes witht he new update the catalog is in the cafestreet with a checkers board !The catalog is full of interesting and wonderful items,lets look in it :

Yes we have some old items back in our game.I really love them how about you?
A big thanks to the staff team for those wonderful items:)
Enjoy summer!!

Thanks for reading,see you on chobots 
Our Bebot.

Drawing Contest Winners!

Hey lovely chos!
As you may know Summer is beginning to slowly fade, as the transition into Autumn begins to become nearer and nearer. So, to kick off this amazing summer Kevin decided to host a Summer themed drawing contest! Here are the winners:

Prodigy -

I love the way this picture pops with so much color! It definitely has excitement and, as you can tell, has a lot of skill! Also, I completely like the beach theme! :D

Moving on we have
Bido -

Bido's picture, in my opinion, give me the image of a nice, peaceful, laid - back kind of summer! I love how this picture developed that mood C: Also, I love the touch of detail on the hammock and, of course, the coconut trees! ;D

Lastly we have
Neon20 -

I like this picture because I feel it's more relatable for children! I mean, c'mon - what was better than ice cream and building sandcastles at the beach as a kid? ;D Also, I love how he added the touch of the new item on Chouniverse - the ducky ring! :))

All three of them were rewarded with 70 shards, a paintbrush, and 7,000 bugs.
The people that already had a paintbrush had a basia rewarded to them instead!

Until next time,

Monday, August 11, 2014

New Items!

Hey lovely chos!
So today I thought I'd show you guys some of the AWESOME new items that were added to the Shop! First of all, I just thought I'd tell you guys, I absolutely love the new items! Some of them were oldies from .net and .com, and others are completely new! Here are a couple screenshots I took of a few of the items! I'm 99.9% sure these ARE NOT the only new items on Chobots Universe.

Ducky Ring, 4000 bugs.

Memes Mask, 2500 bugs.

Japanese Flag, 1000 bugs.

Mexican Flag, 2000 bugs.

Pyteradactal Board, 9500 bugs.

Pizza Board, 3000 bugs.

And to follow that, there's the CD board for 4000 bugs.
Thanks for tuning in!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Beta's Joke Party recap!

Heey Guys,
Do you remember Beta's Joke Party we had weeks ago?The winners of the best jokes are out and i want to show you them!So first i need to say that we had much fun with the magic and the jokes who everyone said,many of them were really funny.We also had some rain!So here are the winners with the best jokes:

  • First place: Grah,He receive a Beta shirt,8000 Bugs and 70 shards
  • Second place: Milkyway,He receive a Beta shirt,7000 Bugs and 60 shards
  • Third place: James,He receive a Beta shirt,6000 Bugs and 50 shards
Thanks to all who attend the party,the staff team said we are going to have more parties like this in the future !I hope all of you had fun;)
thanks for reading,see you on chobots.
Our Bebot

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Drawing contest !

Heey Chobots,
A few days ago Maxundso started a poll on his blog and it came to an end today !The results are out and the users voted for a drawing contest!So kevin decided to host a summer drawing contest!
But it must be Chobots released!You can draw where you want on the citizen,agent or artist wall, computer programs or handdrawing !If you want to participate,comment your link under the blog post with a (tinypic link or imgur)Comment your link under this post by clicking here
You have time until monday the 11th august !

I wish you all good luck and cant wait to see all the amazing drawings :)
Our Bebot.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My first post!

Hey guys - Megan here!
All I can say is that I'm honored that my friend Bebot has invited me to contribute to this blog. I will be posting as much as I can in the near future C:
I will try my best to help keep you updated with all the Chobots Universe News!

I'll see you guys real soon!
Stay perfect and be yourself!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Beta's Joke Party !

Heey Chobots,
I have a big announcement !!We are going to have a party this Friday :)!But this time the staff team had a wonderful idea,we will have our first joke party.There wasnt a Joke party in the history of chobots so let this party be special and cool as possible!The users with the best jokes will also get some amazing prizes:

  • First place: A Beta shirt,8000 Bugs and 70 shards
  • Second place: A Beta shirt,7000 Bugs and 60 shards
  • Third place: A Beta shirt,6000 Bugs and 50 shards

We are also having cool magic,music and aswell rain!Im sure we are going to have much fun,so you shouldnt miss it!I will be there and im going to take some party pictures for you and i will post it.

Thansk for reading,hope to see you there !
Our Bebot

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Im back !

Heey Chobots,
You may have noticed that i wasnt online for about 6 days.I was in France and i forgot my computer at home so i wasnt able to post in here,but now im back home and i will start blogging again :) I will come up with some new posts like amazing walddrawings and best dressed people!So let me know if you have drew a picture on the walldrawing ;)Im really happy to see you all back.

Thanks for reading,see you on Chobots
Our Bebot.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Agent's wanted !

Heey chobots,
Today kevin posted an interesting post on the official blog.The staff team are searching our first agents!Every game need users who keep the game safe and help if they need it,so thats the job of an agent,it isnt easy.If you want to be an Agent  you must be helpful and active and dont forget be yourself of course :)Tomorrow at 6 Pm Cho-time they are picking 4 new agents !Now looks forward what you receive:

  •  An agent badge on your playercard
  • Blue Chat bubble 
  • Acces to the Agent HQ (a location only for agents)
  • exclusive Agent items
  • One on one chat with the chobots universe staff team

if you have any questions about the Agent job you can write to
I wish you all good luck and cant wait to see the new agents :)

Thanks for reading,see you on chobots
Our Bebot.

New Update !

Heey Guys,
The game is working 4 days now and it seems that every bug is fixed and that means that the beta time is over.The welcome beta decoration is gone and we have a new summer update.The cafestreet looks really good with the big sun in the middle and the plants around the cafe,look:

What do you think about the new update do you like it ?write it in the comments below.I really like the new cafestreet so thanks to the staff team;)I also want to say thanks to star,she drew me on the citizen's wall.I love that picture,so i need to post it in here.

Thanks for your hard work star,keep up the wonderful work!
Thanks for reading,see yo on chobots
Our Bebot.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sliders Results !

Heey Guys,
Today and yesterday we all moved to the academy to play one of our favourite game called Sliders.We had much fun and the possibility to play with our Staff team and beat them!Every contest must come to an end and now im honoured to announce the winners of our first in-game contest.

Congratulations,you all did a wonderful job,here are your prizes:

1st place: 7 Days of Citizenship,50 shards and first palce medal
2nd place: 5 Days of Citizenship,40 shards and second place medal
3rd palce: 3Days of citizenship,30 shards and third place medal 

Enjoy your prizes and for those who didnt won this time,dont be sad we are going to have more contests like this in the future ;)
Thanks for reading,see you on chobots
Our Bebot.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Slider Contest !

Heey lovely readers,
Are you ready for our first in-game contest ?The staff team just opened the slider board in the academy.You have time until the 8th of July,4 Pm Cho-time.If you see someone cheating or if you have any issues,please report them to with proof,if its possible with a video proof.Of course dont forget the prizes :

1st place: 7 Days of Citizenship,50 shards and first palce medal
2nd place: 5 Days of Citizenship,40 shards and second place medal
3rd palce: 3Days of citizenship,30 shards and third place medal 

I wish you all Good luck and if you need a partner to play,you can ask me ;)
Thanks for reading,see you on chobots.
Our Bebot.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Game is Released!

Heey Chobots Universe ,
Today,Chobots Universe opened their doors for us to try the beta version.And it works really great,we had a big party in the cafestreet with rain,music and of course much fun!Keep your eyes open,there is a treasure with amazing beta items in there:

And the best is that 3 of them are free!!So hurry up and buy them before its to late :)
I was really excited to play it and now i must say its amazing the game is working without any lag and the moderators are just wonderful.Thanks for this awesome game,if you want to join us then click here
Thanks for reading and i hope to see you there :)
Our Bebot.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Interview with Kevin !

Heey Guys,
As already announced i had a chance to interview our owner of the game Chobots Universe.We had a short interview because he want to take the game expectant as possible.Here's the interview:

Me:Why do yu decided to create a new Chobots?

Kevin: Kai and i wanted to bring back the good old days of chobots feeling back,but certainly not without some new things coming soon.We wanted to change your experience of Chobots and give you a new way to look at it.Hints the name Chobots Universe.We aren't just studying the Earth anymore,we are studying the Universe.

Me:Why do you choosed to create chobots universe with kai and why not with another user?

Kevin: Well,Kai and I have been partners since well 2013,and we think alot a like i couldnt do it without him.We have the same idea of the game and we want it to be great !

Me: had you these plans about chobots universe after shut down or before?

Kevin: Well,we've had these ideas for awhile now.But,it was finally time to put them into action and give the players what they wanted all this time.

Me: Can you tell us one new feature or is it secret?

Kevin: Well,we want to keep you guys suprised with alot of them.So you guys will learn more about those features later on.

So that was the short interview,i hope you enjoyed it and learnt a little bit more about the game and Kevin.I will keep you up to date!

Thanks for reading,see you
Our Bebot

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Short News !

Heey chobots,
I have some short news for you about chobots universe.Kai and Kevin uploaded an interesting picture on facebook and it seems the game is working!

At the moment the staff team are able to visit the chobots world.But there are some bugs,but they are working on it.Kai also said,the beta users are able to visit the game next week if there aren'tany problems and in 2 weeks the game should be open for the public users.I cant wait to join this wonderful game im sure you cant wait neither.
At this point i want to say thank you to all my readers,my blog just reached 10'001 views :o thats wonderful thanks my dear readers :)!

Ps:Im also going to interview Kevin later today about chobots universe and will post the answer from the owner of chobots universe here on my Blog so stay tuned !

I keep you up to date when its open !
Thanks for reading,Our Bebot.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Welcome to Chobots universe !

Heey guys,
After shut down i decided to play chobots universe,the owners are some good friends of me and im sure of you too.The owner of the games are Kai and Kingkevin,both were an agent on and were the best users i knew.They were always friendly and helpful so im sure they re runing the new chobots like the old.For chobots universe they put some new features in it like the bonus when you sings up in the first two days:

  • 15 Days of free citizenship
  • 10'000 Bugs
  • One free item from the in-game shop
  • a huge party,that will last up to 2 hours
So you see you better should sing up when the game opens.They started the interviews for some staff members.So if you applied as a staff member,please be patient,they have a lot of work and must go throw all the applys.If they are interested in you they are conacting you on skype or write you an email.They also have an amaing facebook page,you can like them by clicking here
When the game is up i will post in here so you can dirrectly sign up :)The staff members and beta testers can start playing chobots universe the next week if everything goes right,the public users can sign up in 2 weeks.I wish you good luck and cant wait to see you all in chobots universe.

Thanks for reading,see you there
Our Bebot.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

April Fools Day Video Contest!

Heey chobots,
The new month april is around the corner and that means the april fools day too!So the chobots team decided to host a video contest about it.Let your creativity out and put some cool effects in the video and you have a great chance to win!The contest ends  Monday the 31th of march!So hurry up!The winners will pick up by creativity,funny and on the topic and win a big prize !
I wish you good luck and cant wait to see all your awesome videos:)

Thanks for reading,see you on chobots.
Our Bebot.