Hey Guys
First of all we had an amazing party at the beach this weekend. The staff team decided to held a party at the beach for the begining of the summer vacation. It's sad that no one hangs out at a wonderful location like the beach. Thats also another aspect, why they decided to held it over there. So we had lots of music, rain, magic and of course fun. For those who couldn't attend this time, dont be sad, there are going to be more parties in the future. I Hope those pictures shows you, how beautiful the party was:
A big thanks to the staff team for this Party! Can't wait for another one like this.
Let's move over to the second topic. To get really in the mood of summer, the staff team decided to held a design contest. Many users participated and all the designs were amazing! I really have to congratulate every single participant because i really loved all of them. But as always, there can be only a few winners, so congratulations to:
Wow congratulations, you have done an extraordinary great job! You two won 12 days of citizenship, 10'000 Bugs, paintbrush or Basia suit and your designed items. The staff team decided to bring them up in the in-game catalogs so keep an eye open for them ;)

As a little bonus i have a great walldrawing from this week, which i found in the citzizen's underground. Enjoy it:
Thanks for reading, see you in-game
Your Bebot.
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