It's Saturday and as always its time for a flashback of the week. A lot of things turned in and also around chotopia. So let's start with the first topic.

As you may noticed, there are more and more users joining our community everyday. That means, that we also need more security for a funny and enjoyable game as we know it. So the staff team decided to have an Agent poll! They selected 4 active users, which are able to handle the role as an agent.
The 4 candidates are: Dawn, Emma2408, Novo and Sony. Now it's your turn to vote for one of these candidates and give them a chance as agent. Vote the future agent by clicking here. The poll will end in 2 days. If you haven't made it into the poll, don't be sad there's always a next time.

The prizes for the winners are sweet as always. If you see someone cheating, please inform the staff team with proof under the email Don't forget have fun and never give up! You have time until the 4th of June.

As last but not least, theres an interesting information for all bloggers under you. The staff team decided to choose new Journalists for June. If you are an ambitious blogger and your blog is chotopia related, so you really should participate. Your Blog has to be chotopia related, nice designs and updated every week. If your blog bring up all these requirements you have a good chance to win.
You can submit your blog by leaving a comment under the official blog post with your chobots username and link. For more informations, please read the offical blog post by clicking here. I wish you good luck and can't wait to read all blogs!
I really have to thank you once again for your interest of this post. I really get motivated feedback from you readers and that shows m, that you really love this posts. Thanks you are all amazing :)
Thanks for reading, see you in-game
Your Bebot.
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