Saturday, January 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Design contest !

Heey Chobots,
I hope all of you had a great start into the new year.After The January events,its time to look forward to february.There will be a lovely event callled Valentine's Day.

So the chobots team would like,that you create some cool valentine's design items on paper or on the computer.Make sure if you draw yours designed items on the paper that the chobots team see your items clearly.If you create the items on the computer you can use this template.Click here for the template.
You have until Friday,the 24th of January to submit your design in a comment on the official blog post.Click here to submit your designs.The winners will receive 1 week of citizenship,5000 Bugs and their designed item.i wish you goodl luck and can't wait to see all the amazing items.$

Thanks for reading,see you on chobots.
Our Bebot.

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