Once again like every month the chobots Team search new Journalist's.
You have until 12th of March to submit your blog on a chobots post.
but you need to follow this rules to have a chance:
-Your blog should be ''simple'' With a header ,template and some gadget's.Like join Chobots Today!
-Your Blog post's should be unique,write your own post's don't copy them from other blogs or the main blog!Your free to take the pictures from the official chobots blog!
-Be active on other in game and be nice to other users.And you know the latest news of the game!
-Be active on other community pages like twitter,facebook or forum and
comment make yourself aware!
-You should write at least 2 times in the week!
So now you know the rules if you follow this rules you have a good chance to win :)
No look forward what you get if you are a Journalist!
-A Journalist Badge with your blog name!
-Perhaps your blog is on the featured play page
-Your Blog will be on the blog archive!
-Moderators will boomark your Blog
- You will be added to an exclusive mailing list to receive the latest news before anyone else knows!
-One free week of Citizenship !
-You receive the feather item!
-You can PC moderators even their playercard is blocked !
-Purple nametag!
You see to be an Journalist you need to be a hard worker on blogger!
I wish you good Luck and for submit your blog click Here
Don't forget if you didn't win this time you can submit your blog next month.
Never Give up !!
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