Today We got 4 new agents :D
Eggs wasn't online when i taked the pictures but the new agents are:
Rage,Peace,hummingbirdvani and eggs :)
Congratulation :))
Yesterday The chobots Team made a retro parytw ith a lot of rain :O
i deleted all party rain and i got 19k :O
Here some pic's of the party :)

Next is the Baking contest.
You know that nathan made a backing contest yes
yesterday he let the winners out and the winners are:
Congrats to the hummi and molly :))
the winners got :
- 7 Days Citizenship
- A Pie Shirt
- Gingerbread Wings.
- 10,000 Bugs
yes and i won that look:
PS: i don't take a photo of the citizenship and the money only from the items:
awsome right only 4 ppl in chobots has this magic :O
Thanks nathan
next theme is update and glitches look:
The cho Team amde now a new halloween update and its look like so :

awsome right ty chobots team and now look at this big clitch:

but now the chobots team fixed it and you can play with no problems :))
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