Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The News Day 11!

Heey ,

Today i have important info's for you :)

1. We have a new Mod called tikitiki.
2. We have a new Video contest !!
3. We have an new update too!!

Congratulation :)

4 days old and a MODERATOR O.o

if you want participate you must follow this rules :
Here are the rules of the contest:
- The video must be at least 30 seconds long. Try to keep it shorter than one minute.
- You must promote a minimum of 3 different advantages of being a citizen gives
- You should try to include the citizen items and pricing for the 3 citizen packages
if you need more information read the post on Main blog :

and for the last theme we have now a Cho time clock.

great idea chobots Team now we have everytime the houer for the cho party's :))

So that was it from the short The news information :))

thanks for reading


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